Care Guide

Important Note! Please Read:

Rainbow Sounds crystal bowls are made with high purity quartz (HPQ) so they are VERY VERY FRAGILE, HIGH VIBRATIONAL instruments.

The following actions can cause the bowl to CHIP, CRACK, BREAK, or even SNAP IN HALF: 
  • Over-vibrating the bowl
  • Incorrect playing techniques
  • Incorrect use of mallets or hard objects
  • Incorrectly or not carefully stacking the bowls
  • Mishandling the bowls etc.

Cracks can develop over time, or the bowl can break suddenly. Caring for them correctly is key to keeping your bowls in excellent condition.


Playing Your Bowls Correctly

  • Always play the bowl very slowly and softly to start with, then very slowly gradually go up in speed i.e. strike the bowl softly and sing the bowl slowly.
  • DO NOT go round and round the bowl.
  • DO NOT over-sing or over-strike your bowl.
  • Minimise the risk of breaking them by not over striking or over singing them. If you play the bowl too hard or too fast, the bowl can over-vibrate which can cause it to break or even snap in half.
  • DO NOT play our bowls like you would with traditional frosty bowls. As our beautiful bowls are made with High Purity Quartz grade and is not frosty, it makes them even more fragile and precious than lower grade, traditional frosty bowls.
  • ONLY the soft sections of the mallets should touch the bowl when you play them. For example, only the rubber section of the rubber mallet should touch the bowl, if the wooden part of the mallet touches the rim of the bowl as you're playing, it can chip the edge.
  • Always play on the outside of the bowl (not the inside)

Stacking Your Bowls Carefully

  • Always stack your bowls correctly: Place each bowl into its own Nesting Pouch first before stacking into the bag. Watch this video.
  • Do not put the pouch in first and then the bowl - as this can cause you to accidentally knock or chip the edge of the bowl that's already in the bag. Never ever ever put mallets or any hard objects inside the bowl. Always pack your mallets and any hard objects in the side pockets.
  • Never stack the bowls without pouches
  • Know your bowl sets - remember that stackable bowls 'skip' a size i.e. Set of 3 is 11", 9" and 7" bowls. Set of 4 is 12", 10", 8" and 6" bowls. And so on.

Storing Your Bowls Safely

  • Store your bowls in well padded carry bags and/or pouches, or in a safe spot on "display" – perhaps a shelf or table. If it is stored on "display", always use the provided o-rings to sit the bowl on.
  • Store your bowls in a place where they won't be accidentally knocked over by children or pets.
  • Never ever ever put mallets or any hard objects inside the bowl.

Handling, Cleaning and Using Your Bowls Effectively

  • Wash your hands before touching or playing your bowls to minimise leaving oil stains on them.
  • Carry your bowl from the bottom with two hands.
  • When taking the bowls outside or on a trip, use a well padded carry bag or pouch.
  • Do not use or leave water in the bowl regularly! As this will change the frequency of the bowl, and also cause the chakra stamps/stickers to slowly peel off.
  • When cleaning, use warm water with a neutrally-coloured soft towel (e.g. white or beige microfibre towel) or tissue.
  • Never use chemicals or harsh soaps.

There are many more things to consider and the do's and don'ts with crystal singing bowls. We recommend you attend one of our workshops or online courses to learn more.

High Purity Quartz

Made with High Purity Australian Quartz