9 Chakra Bowls for Women’s Life Stages

9 Chakra Bowls for Women’s Life Stages

Root Chakra

Teens: Adolescence
Base/Root Chakra

This exciting life stage sets the foundation for your forthcoming adult years. The Base/Root Chakra complements the Adolescence phase as it represents your very core foundation – being content in your physical body and living with enough.

Incorporate the Base/Root Crystal Bowl into your daily mindful practice to establish a solid base and to feel grounded in your life.

Sacral Chakra

20's: Young Adulthood
Sacral Chakra

Your 20s are a vibrant period filled with new friendships, intimate relationships, starting a family, and launching your career. The Sacral Chakra is an important energy centre to focus on during this life phase.

Integrate the Sacral Crystal Bowl into your wellness modality to help maintain emotional balance, enhancing your experiences of joy, sexuality, and pleasure.

Solar Chakra

30's: Early Adulthood
Solar Plexus Chakra

During this bustling stage of life, where crucial decisions are being made, balancing the Solar Plexus Chakra can be immensely beneficial.

Enhance your relationship with yourself, boost personal power, and cultivate self-worth and empowerment by incorporating morning mantras with the Solar Plexus Crystal Bowl into your daily routine.

Throat Chakra

40's: Mid Adulthood
Throat Chakra

Many women in their 40s find themselves managing a demanding juggling act – balancing work, children, elderly parents, and social and financial pressures. Focusing on the Throat Chakra can empower you to use your voice, assert your boundaries, and be heard on issues that matter most.

Incorporate singing mantras with the Throat Bowl into your routine to enhance your voice and express your authentic self.

Heart Chakra

50's: Late Middle Adulthood
Heart Chakra

At this stage of life, where you navigate physical, cognitive, and lifestyle changes – including menopause – prioritising your health and well-being is essential. A balanced Heart Chakra plays a key role in supporting a healthy and harmonious lifestyle.

Incorporate the Heart Chakra Bowl into your mindfulness practice to harmonise the energy centre of unconditional love, compassion, forgiveness, and overall heart health.

Crown Chakra

60's: Seniors
Third Eye & Crown Chakras

Maintaining physical activity and mental stimulation in senior years is vital for preserving balance, strength, and agility. Two key chakras to focus on are the Third Eye Chakra, which governs perception and intuition, and the Crown Chakra, associated with inner wisdom, spiritual consciousness, and transformation.

Integrating the Third Eye and Crown Crystal Bowls into daily sound meditation practice can balance these essential energy centres as well as stimulate brain activity and foster a sense of community connection.

Soul Star Earth Star Chakra

Soul Star & Earth Star Chakras

To nurture a life of joy, nourishment and fulfilment, keep your Earth Star Chakra balanced to remain grounded with Mother Earth, and align your Soul Star Chakra to connect with your higher self, karmic past, and spiritual essence.

Bath in the vibrations of Earth Star and Soul Star Crystal Bowls to help support overall well-being and spiritual growth throughout your entire life.